John Ross Jesensky Praises Lake Tahoe Music Community


lake tahoe photoAs a dedicated musician, John Ross Jesensky understands just how powerful a community of musicians can be when they band together and unite under a common and important cause. This unique trait among musicians was evident recently when a favorite son of the Lake Tahoe community had to undergo surgery to repair a leaking aorta in his heart, which spurred those musicians who knew him, played with him or had merely heard of him to hold a benefit concert in his honor.

Perhaps the most powerful moment came when the musician for whom the benefit was held, Peter Joseph Burtt, defied the orders of his doctors to perform on stage and continue to do what he loved to do most by singing for the crowd gathered to offer their support. While that performance taxed his body quite a bit so soon after surgery, Burtt is now back to playing regularly and his band even has a new album scheduled to be released in the near future. As Jesensky points out, the support of the music community is incredibly strong and is always worthy of praise.